
1. Amniotic Egg

This is a picture of a white chicken egg. The chicken egg is an amniotic egg. An amniotic egg is an egg in which an embryo develops and is calcium-based. An amniotic egg is produced by prototherian mammals, birds, and reptiles. A chicken is a bird, so they can produce an amniotic egg.

2. Autotroph

This is a picture of green grass. The grass is an example of an autotroph. An autotroph uses different resources like sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to make their own food and energy. Grass is photosynthetic, which makes it an autotroph because photosynthetic organisms self-feed themselves.

3. C3 Plant

This is a picture of a tomato. The tomato is an example of a C3 Plant because they do not need to be in very sunny environments for photosynthesis, they need to be in a cool environment. A C3 Plant is one that is efficient at photosynthesis in a cool and wet climate.

4. C4 Plant

This is a picture of corn. The corn is an example of a C4 Plant because the photosynthetic apparatus of maize is exposed to high temperature stress. A C4 plant is a plant that enters the Calvin Cycle when cycling carbon dioxide into four carbon sugar compounds. A C4 plant can include corn, pineapple, sugar cane, etc.

5. Detritivore

This is a picture of a rolly-polly. A rolly-polly is an example of a detritivore. A detritivore is an animal that feeds on dead organic material and breaks down dead plant and animal matter while providing nutrients to the ecosystem. Rolly pollies are detritivores because they consume organic material, primarily eating dead plants or animals.

6. Ectotherm

This is a picture of a turtle. A turtle is an example of an ectotherm because as a cold blooded animal, they get heat from their surroundings like water. An ectotherm is an organism who regulates its body temperature and whose body temperature relies on external heat sources.

7. Eukaryote

This is a picture of a dog. A eukaryote is a living organism that contains cells and has a nucleus in which its genetic material and DNA is in the form of chromosomes. A dog is an example of a eukaryote because it has eukaryotic cells and has its genetic material organized in a membrane bound nucleus.