
Showing posts from August, 2018

1. Amniotic Egg

This is a picture of a white chicken egg. The chicken egg is an amniotic egg. An amniotic egg is an egg in which an embryo develops and is calcium-based. An amniotic egg is produced by prototherian mammals, birds, and reptiles. A chicken is a bird, so they can produce an amniotic egg.

2. Autotroph

This is a picture of green grass. The grass is an example of an autotroph. An autotroph uses different resources like sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to make their own food and energy. Grass is photosynthetic, which makes it an autotroph because photosynthetic organisms self-feed themselves.

3. C3 Plant

This is a picture of a tomato. The tomato is an example of a C3 Plant because they do not need to be in very sunny environments for photosynthesis, they need to be in a cool environment. A C3 Plant is one that is efficient at photosynthesis in a cool and wet climate.

4. C4 Plant

This is a picture of corn. The corn is an example of a C4 Plant because the photosynthetic apparatus of maize is exposed to high temperature stress. A C4 plant is a plant that enters the Calvin Cycle when cycling carbon dioxide into four carbon sugar compounds. A C4 plant can include corn, pineapple, sugar cane, etc.

5. Detritivore

This is a picture of a rolly-polly. A rolly-polly is an example of a detritivore. A detritivore is an animal that feeds on dead organic material and breaks down dead plant and animal matter while providing nutrients to the ecosystem. Rolly pollies are detritivores because they consume organic material, primarily eating dead plants or animals.

6. Ectotherm

This is a picture of a turtle. A turtle is an example of an ectotherm because as a cold blooded animal, they get heat from their surroundings like water. An ectotherm is an organism who regulates its body temperature and whose body temperature relies on external heat sources.

7. Eukaryote

This is a picture of a dog. A eukaryote is a living organism that contains cells and has a nucleus in which its genetic material and DNA is in the form of chromosomes. A dog is an example of a eukaryote because it has eukaryotic cells and has its genetic material organized in a membrane bound nucleus.

8. Endotherm

This is a picture of a person. An endotherm is a warm blooded animal whose temperature is independent from the environment and is dependent on the internal generation of heat. This person is an example because he is warm blooded and uses internally generated heat to maintain his body temperature.

9. Flower Ovary

This is a picture of a flower. The flower is an example of a flower ovary because it contains a flower ovary at the point of connection with the base of the petals and sepals. A flower ovary is part of the female reproductive organ of the flower and contains an ovule inside the ovary that will develop into a seed.

10. Frond

This is a picture of a plant. This plant is an example of a frond because its leaves are similar to that of a fern. A frond is a leaf that is divided into many divisions and is similar to a palm or fern.

11. Heterotroph

This is a picture of a bird. A heterotroph is an animal that obtains its food and energy from organic substances like plant or animal matter. A bird is an example of a heterotroph because it cannot make its own food through carbon fixation, and therefore eats insects.  

12. Long-day Plant

This is a picture of lettuce. A long-day plant is a plant that requires long light hours and short dark hours in order to flower. Lettuce is an example of a long-day plant because it requires a vast amount of light to flower and grow.

13. K-Strategist

This is a picture of myself. A K-Strategist can include birds, or large mammals who can produce few offspring and reside in stable environments. A human like me is an example of a K-Strategist because women only have a few offspring at a time throughout their lives.

14. Mating Behavior

This is a picture of two dogs. Mating behavior is the pairing of the opposite sex for sexual reproduction. These two dogs are an example for mating behavior because they are of the opposite sex and would reproduce puppies.

15. Modified Leaf

This is a picture of a flower’s stem. A modified leaf are leaves that are modified for functions other than photosynthesis, the leaves are primarily modified for support, such as thorns, spines, or prickles. This picture of the flower’s stem is an example of a modified leaf because it contains thorns to provide support.

16. Mutualism

This is a picture of a butterfly on a flower. Mutualism is when two organisms of different species interact with each other and connect in a relationship, were each species benefits from the activity of the other species. The butterfly on the flower is an example of mutualism because the butterfly and flower exists in a relationship where both organisms are involved.

17. Parasitism

This is a picture of leaves. Parasitism is when a relationship between two different organisms exist, and the parasite harms the organism. The leaves in the picture are an example of parasitism because they are affected by parasites.

18. Pollen

This is a picture of an anthurium flower. Pollen is a yellow powdery substance that is released from the male part of a flower like pollen grains. This flower is an example for pollen because the part of the stamen produces the pollen.

19. Pollinator

This is a picture of a bee. A pollinator is an animal that moves pollen from the male ather to the female stigma of a flower. A bee is an example of a pollinator because it is an animal that visits flowers and takes away pollen.

20. Population

This is a picture of a group of pigeons. Population is a group of people or animals who live in a particular area. A population is a group of the same species like in the picture with a group of pigeons on the wire poles.

21. Redox reaction

This is a picture of a banana. Redox reaction is a chemical reaction in which the oxidation state of an atom is changed. The banana is an example of redox reaction because it underwent a chemical process, which affects many fruits and causes them to turn brown.

22. Rhizome

This is a picture of a plant’s roots. A rhizome is an underground stem growing horizontally that sends out roots and shoots from its nodes. The picture of the plant’s roots is an example of a rhizome because while the stem grows vertically, it shares similar roots like a rhizome.

23. R-Strategists

This is a picture of a fly. An R-strategist includes species like insects, rodents, and weeds, which produce many offspring and typically live in unstable environments. The fly is an example of an R-strategist because it is an insect that produces many offspring and live in unpredictable environments since they fly around.

24. Seed Dispersal

This is a picture of a dandelion. Seed dispersal is the movement of seeds away from the parent plant and relies on abiotic and biotic factors for dispersal vectors. A dandelion is an example for speed dispersal because these plants are easily dispersed by the wind, which moves the seeds away from the plant.

25. Species

This is a picture of ants. Species are a group of living organisms who are similar and are capable of interbreeding and exchanging genes. Ants are an example of a type of species because they can exchange genes and share similar characteristics as insects.